Every time Paul the Apostle recalled the church in Philippi, he celebrated. It is clear from his epistles that he loved all the churches that he served, but the church in Philippi seemed to have a special place in his heart.
What was it about this church that evoked such joyful prayer from Paul?
Philippians 1:3-5:
“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all, making my prayer with joy…because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now.”
Paul thanked God whenever he thought of this church, he prayed with joy because they were partners in advancing the Gospel to far reaching places, they were co-laborers in the greatest movement in history.
Recently NAAMC and Sixteen:Fifteen joined forces to mobilize the untapped potential of African American churches to engage the nations. Though African Americans make up nearly 13% of Christians in the United States, less than 1% of missionaries on the field are African American. One of the primary ways we are working together to change the status quo is by offering something we call The Mobilized Church Experience: Keys to Unlock Missions Potential. Participants will be introduced to SEVEN KEYS that will help church and missions leaders cultivate a vibrant missions culture, unlocking untapped potential to reach the nations.
If your church has a longing to make global impact but you are wondering where to begin, The Mobilized Church Experience is for you.
The Mobilized Church Experience launches on January 20th 2021 and registration is open right now at www.1615.org/naamc
On behalf of NAAMC and Sixteen:Fifteen, we hope that you will increase our joy and yours, by joining with us and more importantly, joining with our Heavenly Father in the family business of making disciples of all nations, tribes and tongues.