Have you noticed how bold the kingdom of darkness has become recently? Satan and his army are not holding any punches when it comes to promoting their message or agenda. He has infiltrated our government systems, universities and classrooms, our television networks, and definitely, there's no hiding of darkness on our social media outlets. Where does this boldness come from? Yes, we know that scripture affirms the increase of his activity during the end times, but I don't think it's just the times that spark this onslaught of demonic influence. NO! Satan is a copycat, a thief, a cheap imitator of all things GOD! His false messages, promises, and boldness come directly from observing God our Father and HIS KINGDOM!
The kingdom of darkness aligns its resources, all of its resources, into setting up and advancing its false narrative and influence around the world. What is our response? As believers and children of light, we must never stop making bold moves for the Kingdom of God. Our commitment, resources, and efforts must continually stay engaged with the work of the Kingdom to the glory of our King, JESUS! As we enter our year-end campaign season, NAAMC desires to continue to make bold moves. We want to send and support more missionaries, mobilize more churches, and equip more pastors for global missions. And we need your help to do it.
This year we'd like you to consider joining NAAMC in one of three ways to boldly proclaim the gospel of the kingdom. First, we're kicking off our Mission 21 Donors Program. We're trusting God for 2,000 monthly donors who support the mission of NAAMC at $21.00/month. We believe having a consistent monthly support system will help us meet our budget demands and fulfill our vision. Secondly, we welcome all donations of any size and with any frequency to become a Kingdom Builder through a one-time donation this holiday season. Every gift is needed no matter the size, it's the bold move of giving that counts. Lastly, for those who have been blessed with greater capacity and would like to make a strategic investment in the African American community we welcome your investment of $1,000.00 or more.
As you prepare for the holidays and 2022, please keep us in prayer and boldly support where you can! We recognize and celebrate that God has already blessed us with so many gifts, and that gift is YOU!
Happy Holidays,
Pastor Adrian & Team NAAMC