Spotlight Video
Our diverse and kinetic community of believers draw inspiration from the Evangelical tradition, sparks dynamic interactions, and produce revelations for African Americans
and multi-ethnic congregations
seeking to equip and mobilize
African Americans for global and
local missions.
Please enjoy the list of videos.
We pray that these presentations
foster a thirst for even more
creativity, conversation, and
strategy in the cross-cultural missions.
From Here to Everywhere Vol 2:
The New Missions Force - Mobilizing Prisoners & The Poor
Join us for this edition of From Here to Everywhere - a new platform by NAAMC connecting local and global missions. This webinar will demonstrate how those on the fringes of society become instruments of moving the gospel forward.
Presenters: Pastor Charles Anderson of Epiphany Life Change and Rev. Bob Edgel of TUMI.
Video Library

This platform is a collaboration between NAAMC and our partners and sponsors to produce equipping content tailored to assist African American churches, missionaries, and multiethnic ministries to maximize their potential in fulfilling the Great Commission.
The National African American Missions Conference invites you to come and join us at the table where Black and white brothers and sisters will sit down and unpack the challenging issues of race relations within the body of Christ.
The National African American Missions Conference invites you to come and join us at the table where Black and white brothers and sisters will sit down and unpack the challenging issues of race relations within the body of Christ.
In the Special Edition Topics video section, we feature dynamic speakers with the finger on the pulse of African American missions. Tune in to hear powerful speakers, the latest tips, and engaging topics as we work to equip African Americans to the field.
Main Hall
Boldly Proclaiming
the Gospel
of the Kingdom
The National African American Missions Council, NAAMC is pleased to invite you to watch and listen to our 2021 Virtual Experience: Missions Rediscovered...Boldly Proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom.

